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II1 E-31471 Precinct 571298 East Muddy91211511164Boyd1453TOTALS04-215 B-110 B-4 Fullerton04-20 Waverly South567South Canada-14671742 Wausa Area11 A-236710 E-12 South Pass267North LC Schuyler 316705-09Pohocco142205-087351285635EAST CAMP CLARKE05-0553543505-04335280405-0796723505-0660305-0186704 - SSC Ward 4503 Blue Hill Precinct 19RockGillan111505-03SUPERIORHumb. ICity of North Bend05-02Salem Precinct 34 RockvilleBoone1069103Eureka-Washington1404 Grant/Nemaha1358KennardWebster903 Precinct 46Chase Red Cloud 1stDaily-Hooker-Newcastle12 B-23363Chappell04 Emmet & Northeast TwpsDawson1376Genoa1363 Northview08-4811 O'Neill Ward IIPosen10 F-1108-45 Madison City Pierce City Mitchell II08-4408-4708-46Desoto08-41 Nemaha #11043103008-40 Nemaha #2Pawnee08-431791333208-4205 Ewing, Golden & Deloit626Flournoy/Merry/Perry526Elim/Triumph/Wayne10 G-510 H-10130913321345426326 Precinct 112261182Columbus Twp BJohnson1025West Blue/Highland11 E-10Clarksville EastBanner Spring Creek926 Precinct 238261301Filley/Virginia AreaWarnerville Pct.Tryon 01 Precinct 751603Bladen100701-191 BLinwood-Skull Creek-Platte01-1848590Fairview01-15 South Branch49001-1439018Sherman/Grand Prairie01-17Butler29001-1619001-1175010 H-801-1001-131260127355001-1245024143502509815621539150 Norfolk 4-215751389890Brule Norfolk 1-2 South Osceola10 B-1 Norfolk 3-2717 Norfolk 2-294MABL95051710 D-28504171242Bushnell3173544Valentine EastNorth Weeping Water Third Ward10 F-7Kearney155715312913238113941381 Dannebrog55261224123711 E-3Eustis1087 Precinct 52817 Lexington 4th Grant CountyPawnee 2 Precinct 49598498 Precinct 64398 Logan/Leslie298773Coyote198Ward 3 Precinct 3Sidney 3573781758473681Ward 3 Precinct 1558581373County458481273Seward35812 A-10258158 Stockville181641898 Saltillo #2Comstock/DG/SC54144110 E-17 Lexington 1st241873Ward 2Omaha4761 Precinct 798195885888118419 H-4Cedar9 H-5 For 9 H-611529 H-7116515881818!Initiative Measure 434 (Nebraska)Tipton9 H-19 H-2 Ford A & B 10 - Hubbard9 H-31454"Downloaded at 1/17/2025 5:19:44 AMDublin Bonanza Union Valley1291482310 C-457301418Ward 4A9 H-8Rockfalls-Industry9 H-9SBEMedicine Precinct 41Beatrice Ward 215577211471134342310 A05-19HAYNES05-18789Bertrand689Maxwell Precinct 78589128605-1538905-141712East Winter Creek28905-17East Stromsburg05-1618966456474905-1105-10 West Franklin05-133645491103111644905-12264349164Hayes249 Rock Creek989632532432Hooper/Logan TownshipsGurley332 Imperial EastDeWitt10 H-57002321326 D-2864600Phelps949Blaine/Pauline400849Stanton300 Middle CreekWest Stromsburg1648200 Precinct 371075103912 C-2FanningMerna Community93212 A-9Chapin/Hancock/Winside13281351832 West Salt900Sellers800Sarpy Mitchell I Precinct 70 O-2 MilfordPlum Creek-Richardson-UlyssesCottonwood-Anderson4885103110571044DenverSouth Canada-3Perkins695DEW27921333595Thayer County North495 Schuyler 1St. Paul Ward 239510 F-121957551013Terrytown I & II1000Nemaha I555 Fremont 4E455Craig Fremont 2E7 D-23551787Ponca Township723 Fremont 3E155 Oakland II Fremont 1E995708Hooker1302895145361315608323508408Hamilton Precinct 14223308Wilber208Savannah10895501-289 E-49 E-5Hickman01-25 Precinct 2601-24923 Oconee/Monroe296301-274B9 E-182301-269083B9 E-201-218082B01-201B01-23PK01-223rd Ward - 1st Precinct Jeff/RuloMinatare I & II1399102-0978602-0815338686CLFWEPeru586Stewart-Thayer02-0528602 - SSC Ward 202-0402-0712301256 Logan County2343502-0674602-0164654610 G-7< Bryan/Thayer/Pender02-034461509154502-0234609 Atkinson Ward I Platte East Sutton 1st13951382Wayne146Ward 2 Precinct 2986Ward 2 Precinct 11225714614514Pawnee 1314CassElkhorn Township946Garfield214Precinct114Prague1501MirageSidney 2 Precinct 551207FrontierHighland814 Tekamah IILiberty Precinct 6756770670 Arlington Fourth Ward470Ward 2B370162nd Ward - 1st Precinct270Valentine NorthBuffalo3589116612 G-11140Trenton10 B-3Overton9610 E-10637Prairie Island53710 D-438241st Ward - 1st Precinct14198701455 Arago/Barada Fran/Hrr/Spi1379 F-11 Culbertson Seward Ward 311351122 Seward Ward 2Emerson Seward Ward 1605Humphrey/Granville405141111 E-11424305205 Precinct 32 Seward Ward 4"Downloaded at 1/17/2025 5:19:47 AM83705-2505-24 Red Cloud 2nd Precinct 2905-27 WEST BAYARD McWilliams05-26137805-21Sterling Precinct 4426734105-20Beatrice Ward 105-2305-22Sargent Village7788052 D-3 Wahoo Rural5782 D-2478West Blue/Grafton/Bennett2 D-1=Results provided by the Office of Nebraska Secretary of State37806-0927806-08Ayr761 Union-OliveMaywood Sutton 2nd06-05561137046106-0406-07Western361North Osceola-1689106-06261Alexis06-011611076 West Point Precinct 5Alma105006-03 Nemaha IIWest Pleasant Home FC Ward 406-0212 B-9Ainsworth Precinct136513291788 FC Ward 1 FC Ward 2961 Clarkson 41654 FC Ward 36 A-110 C-6Crete 3 Ashland Rural1st Ward - 2nd Precinct1227210321009 Precinct 21 Wymore Area SteinauerColumbus Twp A13212197 Oshkosh 11184Ward 1 Precinct 1 Gering IIIWard 1 Precinct 3163622289 NW Quad AreaWard 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 58 Precinct 733 D10015 E-11 REDINGTON792 Kiowa-LymanDixon6695691316592492 Box Butte469369392269Homestead Area1st Douglas - Glenrock1921605169 Hitchcock752Dodge Centerville35272002 Atk & Surrounding Twps10 H-72526209922186932011 Precinct 1722001South LC12391203528 G Precinct952152815648529102-1902-1802 Beaver City10 D-102-15 Precinct 5002-14City of Burwell10 F-2 Scotts Bluff02-17125702-16108102-111094Deshler02-1002-13BGW02-12 Adams Area Southwest1383783 Precinct 6268312131226775LLMCG483 Fremont 4C383575Cody475283DeuelWard 4 Precinct 1 Fremont 2CSouth Rock Bluff183375 Fremont 3C275175643 Fremont 1C543BCN628Wolbach10 E-15M-BX Precinct - Beaver Crossin528Oneida243 Ottercreek428Butte Basin McCulleyBurchardWestonFt Calhoun WestSidney 1Juniata/VeronaWest Louisville3281 D-8 3rd Douglas2281 D-9983South Rushville128711Washington - BentonNC 18751 D-4160145111 D-54111 D-63111 D-7943OtoeS-E-SC-NG City-K2114D1172Buckley-Antelope-Endicott1 D-1111 Precinct 81 D-23D9282D828Spring Ranch FF 2nd1438146112 B-6Saline98851Harlan176391111418111167South SheridanCity of Ainsworth WMuddy/Porter1118 06 Inman Twp Silver Creek First Ward Crofton Area10 E-44th Ward - 2nd Precinct 04 Edison1430Paxton66612801709366RoyalArizona-Riverside11 D-21136266166ElbaGreeley Mason CityRoseland14127341 D-10634 Table RockSouth Plattsmouth719 ClearwaterWebster Township619Thayer County South334519 Castle Rock A419796613431965219 Castle Rock B110543Vieregg6022 Precinct 35101407Rural Garfield CountyDMR"Downloaded at 1/17/2025 5:19:42 AM202HersheyELK06-19102Brown-Henderson91906-18Ft Calhoun East819MeadBerlinNemaha06-159 Precinct 4706-14Beatrice Ward 48Lone Tree North06-17 Lancaster06-16Dix90206-1112 A-406-10802HMR06-13Franklin-Bone Creek06-12 Prairie Creek134049739729710 B-5 Precinct 80197Curtis757657North Branch Shell Creek10 F-10457Thomas1033357257 Schuyler 223229978971335Panama725118511 E-7325Kenesaw Precinct 12Gering I West Gordon South Bend8579 G-49 G-59 G-61015 Big Springs9 G-7 Precinct 249 G-1SBW Washington42582nd Ward7 A9 G-213179 G-3Kimball8254 A3 ANorfolk-Valley PctMG-J-G-H-Tilden CityStrahan/WilburBroken Bow Northwest2 A1 A9 G-89 G-9 Precinct 76Lackey EAST NUCKOLLS FontanelleAvocaCity of ScribnerFillmoreHildreth1570HebronGermanChampion/LamarRussell8 A Precinct 312761263CherryPierceJefferson-Pleasant-NewtonSpencer Morton10 E-12947Union/Cott/Ridg/PV TwpsDelight/Custer/Grant10 C-851602-2410 G-2NORTH CAMP CLARKE41612321209East Louisville31602-21216Custer02-2002-231521153402-22152231397York Precinct 38420103-09916 Precinct 5303-08Cub Creek-Rock Creek Lexington 5th03-05116803-04 Precinct 6503-0703-0603-01 Imperial West78003-03680Swan03-02 Verdigre Area67210615NC 2Merrick572 Sheep Creek47228073Fairmont TownshipGarden Prairie 4th Douglas180 GILCHRIST372272 Buccaneer Bay10 H-9 Saltillo #1431602011735402310 E-1634013@Precincts Reporting: 1326/1326 (Precincts Partially Reported: 0) 11 - Omadi14012 C-61439980 Scottsbluff 4972 Scottsbluff 51777872 Scottsbluff 6 Lexington 3rd Scottsbluff 7707180883607 Scottsbluff 1HarrisonLynch Bristow Bush Mullen10 D-3507 Scottsbluff 2Nickerson/Maple Townships11191 A-11155 Scottsbluff 3840307207 Precinct 3010 F-41457 Scottsbluff 8"Downloaded at 1/17/2025 5:19:45 AM1294Brenna/Plum Creek/HunterValleyBeatrice Ward 3Central11241596907 Precinct 42Dawes7881426Dundy688 Precinct 79 Fremont 4A5881078 Fremont 2A9111288 Fremont 3A763Brady748 Fremont 1A56364817152106548Arnold26310 F-15448348163Leshara248VICTORSyracuse148Summit-Reading-ReadNorth Osceola-37312nd Ward - 2nd Precinct631888Holstein53106-29434943106-28331231Broken Bow Southwest13106-2508-09 Lowell/Eaton Precinct 606-2408-08948848119906-27Scotia Todd Creek06-2606-2108-0512 B-406-2008-04106506-2308-07 Leroy-BakerTOTAL06-2208-06Crete 1Furnas08-01Knox1341J Precinct - Ruby83108-03Osmond119108-0201 Antelope, Iowa & Verdigris10 C-5BudaWest Rock Bluff07-09 Beemer/Logan07-08404708 Wilsonville FCRural/Ohio4493 Precinct 7107-051630103407-041021Mitchell (Rural)07-0707-06794Laird07-0169413361323131059407-03494 Precinct 6807-021186394194Mount Pleasant4003654739Lonergan554639City of Hooper10031016539254WheelerNorth Plattsmouth439Wauneta Hayes/Sherman154157906 - Covington IslandPlatte722 Precinct 15 01 Arapahoe East GordonSpalding422 Waverly #23228016 Central LC10 H-21221259Ringgold839New York-Waco-Beaver-West Blue Precinct 279 D-1 07 Oxford3251Arthur1228822 Red Willow01 - SSC Ward 1<.12511264MillsStocktonI Precinct - Pleasant Dale Lost Creek1540 Brownville15532390BlaineANSELMO Precinct 6010 F-12922677192212 - St. Johns78510 D-8 Northwest4773771233124658548527738517710961083Palmyra08 - Dakota Rural285185 03 Cambridge645K Precinct - Goehner545 Geneva Rural44511 E-53451917713Tilden03-196131 F-487703-18985513 Shell Creek8854th Ward - 1st Precinct41331321303-15113 Lexington 2nd03-141 F-103-171 F-203-161 F-3 Guide Rock03-1103-10145884503-13Newark/Blaine/LoganSTN03-12NC 3 Precinct 569134A3A07 - Dakota CityLogan2AGalena-Silvercreek12 O'Neill Ward III1A116112 B-1Ward 4 Precinct 1Bellcreek-Oakland-Pershing5 C-15 C-3Ward 2APonca08 Grattan & Shields TwpsMurdockLone Tree South McPherson736Eight Mile Grove636 Keya Paha536South Weeping Water10 G-4Franklin1409436 Cuming City Cozad WestElgin2363721Creighton Area136M-CO Precinct - Cordova1125North Rushville 05 Hendley704Lost Creek/Burrows504404Westside-Williamsburg Precinct 18 09 - Emerson204936 Precinct 33836 Benkelman II14141368 Precinct 4579Gothenburg WestBrown59Silvercreek-Summit2 C-38042 C-2BC City-BC PctMadison2 C-1191048 Valparaiso136008-1912 A-735H Precinct - Garland46008-18360159910 F-16260Adams1328906-3108-15891601639105306-3008-14106612 G-208-1708-1608-1108-10431908-1395 Brunswick08-1210 C-12Sherman96052707-194271342131907-18 Precinct 10227Grant10 F-6Walker/Woodville Dorchester127Polk163107-15160807-14 Plainview148107-17Oakdale07-16Liberty/Glengary/Franklin07-11132407-10179607-13Nance Woodriver Precinct 2207-1212 D1st Ward Precinct 59Exeter Township Precinct 74768BGCP668691591130603 Chmbrs/Surrounding Twps568468491Holdrege RuralFunston368291Gothenburg East191 Benkelman I751Marietta1270 Norfolk 4-3451 Dewey-Tabor351251 Norfolk 1-3151Ward 3 Precinct 4 Norfolk 3-3 Lafayette Norfolk 2-313992252 Fairfield 1stClarksville West951Potter Howells 5151810 G-19 A-1 Countywide10 E-8 Precinct 51Clay Center CityLogan-Wakefield 312471234Thurston10971084 2nd Douglas1523Ashland Ward 1699 Precinct 48ArborThayer5991386Southeast Manchester499Midland Precinct 63 Wahoo Ward 3Anderson/BlackbirdBurt299674574759782 Wounded Knee682659474 RichardsonPines PrecinctOak Creek-Center374559482459359Plymouth-Gibson17412 A-11282259Sioux74264203-2189903-20542Clay03-2344210 E-148216Cheyenne03-2297410 H-4710242142874982959Douglas2041031010210North Manchester04-0904-081139Decatur-Quinnebaugh04-0594212 A-804-041428842Ward 4BInland Leicester04-07 Cedar Bluffs04-0604-01175304-0304-02 Precinct 4010 F-3114411571108Osgood142011 A-1 Stove CreekB Precinct - Bee2802 Salt Creek7651113Lindy/Santee/Ctr Area665 WakefieldSW4 Fremont 4D565CTSBloomfield Area Fremont 2D365 Blue Creek Fremont 3D265733633165 Fremont 1D718533Lincoln6181402433518333418233Haigler318Dakota218 Jefferson Geneva City118Barley96516586 E-28655016 E-1Oakland401301"Downloaded at 1/17/2025 5:19:43 AMNehawka201933 Precinct 36101Holt4C10728333C2C1C136108-2912 B-7Glenvil08-28U-F-GG-Madison Pct Yutan City1188Lakeland08-2590180108-2408-27Imperial Rural08-2608-2169608-20North08-2349608-22Campbell39610 E-5 Precinct 8107-29 Benkelman III75607-281180St. Paul Ward 110 G-645607-25356102307-241036256Kennebec07-27Antelope07-2615607-21996BST89607-20Bartley72407-2307-221 D-11524 Loup Fork609424 Hays-McFadden324 Precinct 139562243099 F-4127916142099 F-5 Precinct 2510 O'Neill Ward I O-1 Milford9 F-19 F-2Palisade9 F-3Bismark10 H-1824909Howard8099 F-9 Precinct 77Dana1098 Lodgepole12 A-5TTbb  aaJJ  bbee;;vv  ]]MM  ^ ^ W W   M M > > / / s s  TTtt((&&}}44..~~UU>>||DD$$,,pp55nnVVddKKUU  kkC $ w .!w!X!"_"@"#X#9#$h$I$%%l%&^&?& 'o'P'6(z([()Y): )t ) * k*L * * *+ +d + 0, ,s , - 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